Kess, a former Big Brother Naija contestant known for his appearance in the Level Up edition, has vehemently denied the viral accusations made by his Caucasian wife regarding an alleged affair with his fellow housemate, Christy O.
In a widely circulated WhatsApp conversation, Angel, Kess’s wife, insinuated that Kess and Christy O, who both participated in the 2022 edition of Big Brother Naija, were engaged in an illicit relationship.
Angel shared screenshots suggesting conversations between Kess and ChristyO discussing sexual encounters. However, in a video recently posted online, Kess refuted these allegations.
Kess accused his spouse of being “irrational and excessively insecure.” He claimed that ever since they tied the knot, his wife has repeatedly accused him of infidelity, suspecting any female presence around him.
Kess expressed his disbelief that his wife would level such accusations and tarnish his reputation and that of his female colleague in such a manner, emphasizing the potential harm such allegations can cause.
Recall that Kess and Angel suffered the tragic loss of a child last year while Kess was a contestant on the reality TV show. Angel was pregnant at the time but experienced a miscarriage.