Tuesday, February 18, 2025

PART 2: Tuface and Annie Divorce The Drugs Allegedly Hosted By AY, Tiwa and Toke

The story of Tuface and Annie continued as told by Gistlover (Part 1):

Annie was always visiting and their love blossomed,as an upcoming artist those years Annie started dealing with a lot of infidelity from 2face , girls were all over him and it was so much that on several occasions she had caught innocent sleeping with ladies in the studio, it was from one excuse to another, she was a young girl who could be manipulated so she practically kept forgiving and forgiving him, she has it to a point where she felt to stop all the cheating , she needed to come and start living with 2face, that was the beginning of her problem, she packed in without getting wedded properly and that was the year 2face started getting lots of offers from rich kids.

Innocent career blossomed, Annie macualey was there through it all, Annie was used as part of the tool for 2face elevation, on serval occasion Annie was made to warm some topshot bed just to finance 2face career, she did it without flinching , she got a lot of deals for innocent, innocent on the other hand was enjoying proceed from other ladies too, they were living together and Tuface was seeing other women , if asked he will deny and say he didn’t promise anybody marriage and truly he didn’t promise Annie marriage , he was just an ambitious guy who would go to any length to achieve his goals, things were going on fine , he started getting good deals, Innocent family knows Annie as the girlfriend but there is one idoma girl that the mother wants innocent to marry, so when 2face mother asked his son, he also denied promising Annie marriage, their relationship blossomed , Annie has started fighting numerous girls in FESTAC then, she kept fighting for 2face without a proposal ring or wedding ring on her finger. Then come the first child that was tagged as a MISTAKE…….that broke the camels back………..

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